Friday, 8 February 2013

Work Record 1: 06/02/2013

Work Record: 06/02/2013

Shoot Number 1

Plans for the shoot
            Today I’m going to use myself as a model and shoot in the studio. The subject of the shoot will be Issues, more specifically Body Issues and being ‘skinny’ or boney as such, as as I create a bigger portfolio of work, I want to shoot different body types and put them all together to produce a piece of work. I will put the camera on self timer and on a stand in order to shoot myself and also, if need be, give direction to a fellow student if I wanted a more closer shot or one of a different angle which couldn’t be achieved from having the camera on a stand. I will use quite dull lighting but enough to enhance body shapes and features as I want the emotion in the shoot to be quite dark.

What I hope to achieve
            I hope to achieve shots from a variety of angles and also ones including long and short/macro distance. I hope to do the shooting in under an hour so I have enough time to edit some and also go shoot some more if I feel the need to or get inspiration. I’d like to get around suitable images and select then the best ones to edit.

What I actually achieved
            I achieved enough photos in the studio time I allocated myself, so I didn’t need to shoot anymore or re-do any. I also got shots from a varying range of distances and postures/poses. Most of my work is of the same lighting/background colour as well so my repertoire of my portfolio is almost recognizably my work, which I wanted to create. I got the help of one of my peers to help shoot close up shots in which I gave her direction and grafted myself. 

What I am doing to do next
            Next, I am to carry on the same subject/topic of the shoot, suing the same/similar poses and set up but use either one or two f my peers instead to broaden my portfolio of work and create a wider range of photos to put together. As well as doing the written contextual work. I aim to spend the next week on the subject of Body Issues and then go onto the topic of mental health, instability and depression. 

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